Joy in the Wilderness

Just like David, we often go through trials in life. Psalm 63 depicts three signposts in the wilderness that guide us when the storm hits home: 1) God, or true longing, we must pursue (vv.1-4); 2) God, our joyful satisfaction, we graciously receive (vv. 5-8); 3) God,...

Our Longing Souls

Every person has a longing to find fulfillment and satisfaction. God has created us this way, and made it so that this longing is only satisfied in Him. In this message we challenge our hearts to find our joy in Christ and to try to understand how he is always...

The Satisfying Harvest

The closing section of Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman recounts the disciples return, the witness of the Samaritan woman to her fellow townspeople, the disciples receiving teaching from Christ and the successful evangelism of many from Sychar. This...

Joy In Christ Alone

It may not be possible to find even one Christian who does not get preoccupied with the things of this world. We live in a world in which we eat, sleep, fall in love and work, but when our hearts and minds are fixed on this world, we give up what God has for us.  In...

The Purposeful Church

The Christian life consists of pursuing God-given goals that draw us away from the values of our society and give us deep satisfaction. The fulfillment of these purposes is intricately connected to gathering together as the church. In this message we take a closer...