Rejoicing In An Advancing Gospel

Discover Paul’s passion for the advancement of the gospel and his willingness to suffer for Christ’s sake. Do you see your suffering through the lens of an advancing gospel? Can you rejoice in the proclamation of God’s Word, even if it is preached...

Join Us, In The Gospel!

Consider what it means to partner together in the gospel. Paul describes a partnership that is far deeper than the kind we experience in the world – one that moves us towards Christ together, causes us to care for one another with the heart of Christ, and unites...

The Death of Christ

Jesus is put to death. He said “It is finished.” Many at the time thought it might be the end of his ministry. Join us to find out exactly what the “it” is from his “it is finished” statement, and what “finished” really...
Jesus: According to the Gospel of John

Jesus: According to the Gospel of John

In this sermon series on John’s Gospel, we will take a deep dive into the life of Jesus. We will be examining His earthly ministry, exploring and dissecting his theological discourses and basking in the radiance of His Glory.

Home is Where Jesus is.

We are in a time in history between the first and second coming of Christ. At his first coming, Jesus died on the cross, rose to life from the grave and went to be with his Father in heaven. One day Jesus will return to take us to be with him and as we wait for that...